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A member registered Apr 29, 2017

Recent community posts

Very nice!!! One thing that would be good to control is the globularity (curve radii) of forests vs. shorelines, which determines the feel of the scale. With these controls, I'd make the forests _feel_ more zoomed out by using smaller globs to build them.

Another suggestion looking at these vs the excellent "Village Book 1" maps: add round and polygon buildings to the generator.

(1 edit)

Like MFCG, this would benefit from the option for both coast and river at the same time: the place where the river meets the sea. 

There should sometimes be a place where the river meets the sea.

Phenomenal. I support you already but might even give a little more because of this. I'd love to see: 1) SVG export 2) Show "Fields" 3) Options for water (stream, shore, etc.)

I'd be willing to make a PayPal donation towards this too :-)

Would love the option to change font style (especially size, but also style (normal, bold, italic) and maybe even typeface.

If the map uses a random seed, it would be good for you to display this, and possibly allow it to be entered, so we can re-visit maps created previously.